Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care (JOMPAC) is an open access scientific journal with independent, unbiased, and double-blind review under international guidelines. The purpose of JOMPAC is to contribute to the literature by publishing articles on health sciences and medicine.

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Cover and Contents

Full Issue

: 130 : 80

Citation : Can Özkan. The relationship between triglyceride/high-density lipoprotein cholesterol ratio and the functional significance of coronary lesions. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):149-154.

Original Article - Chest Diseases

: 477 : 104

Citation : Gegin S, Özdemir B, Arslan Aksu, Yazıcıoğlu İM, Özdemir L.The characteristics of patients undergoing endobronchial ultrasonography-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA): single-center experience. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):155-159.

Original Article - Anesthesiology and Reanimation

Perioperative risk factors for acute kidney ınjury in major abdominal surgeries: a retrospective observatioal study

: 345 : 90

Citation : Zengin EN, Salman N, Demir ZA, et al. Perioperative risk factors for acute kidney ınjury in major abdominal surgeries: a retrospective observatioal study. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):160-165.

Original Article - Intensive Care

: 166 : 72

Citation : Çakın Ö, Yüce Aktepe M. The power of serum albumin levels in predicting mortality in critical patients. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):166-171.

: 117 : 145

Citation : Akdan E, Yücel N, Adıgüzel FI. The frequency of structural causes (PALM) according to figo palm-coein classification in patients undergoing hysterectomy for abnormal uterine bleeding. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):172-176.

Original Article - Internal Medicine

: 122 : 74

Citation : Şen Uzeli Ü, Doğan AG. Effect of vitamin D deficiency on uric acid/HDL cholesterol ratio. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):177- 181.

: 155 : 65

Citation : Sağlık S. The role of cardiothoracic ratio in predicting coronary artery atherosclerosis in young adult patients. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(3):182-187.