Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care (JOMPAC) is an open access scientific journal with independent, unbiased, and double-blind review under international guidelines. The purpose of JOMPAC is to contribute to the literature by publishing articles on health sciences and medicine.

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Full Issue

Original Article - Obstetrics and Gynecology

: 62 : 84

Citation : Şahin F, Bayraktarli RY, Doğan O. Vaginal axis on MRI after laparoscopic pectopexy surgery: a controlled study. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):219-225.

Original Article - Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

: 33 : 50

Citation : Keskin Kavak S, Aktekin L. Functional balance and quality of life in breast cancer survivors. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):226-230.

: 33 : 45

Citation : Göküstün KK, Kayaoğlu K. Evaluation of eating behaviors in young people according to some psychological . J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(4):231-237.

Original Article - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Indicators of prolonged hospital stay and rehospitalizations in hyperemesis gravidarum

: 76 : 53

Citation : Demir Cendek B, Şeyhanlı Z, Akay A, et al. Indicators of prolonged hospital stay and rehospitalizations in hyperemesis gravidarum. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):238-246.

: 27 : 45

Citation : Sağlık S. The role of clinical and radiological risk factors and triglyceride-glucose index in predicting recurrence of idiopathic granulomatous mastitis. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):247-255.

Original Article - Obstetrics and Gynecology

Management and reproductive outcomes following cesarean scar pregnancy: experiences of two tertiary centers in a cohort of 60 women

: 23 : 54

Citation : Şeyhanlı Z, Bayraktar B, Karabay G, et al. Management and reproductive outcomes following cesarean scar pregnancy: experiences of two tertiary centers in a cohort of 60 women. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):256-264.

: 144 : 91

Citation : Önal HG. Trends in pediatric kidney stone research between 2004-2023: a bibliometric study. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):265-276.

Original Article - Emergency Medicine

Effects of hematological parameters on long term mortality in acute ischemic stroke patients

: 26 : 44

Citation : Yaman FN, Doğan K, Güler Ö, Tugan Yıldız CB. Effects of hematological parameters on long term mortality in acute ischemic stroke patients. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):277-283.

Original Article - Orthopaedics and Traumatology

: 127 : 66

Citation : Bozkurt İ, Emir MM. Effects of two different grafts on radiological and functional outcomes in the surgical treatment of calcaneus fractures. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):284-287.

Review - Neurology


: 44 : 41

Citation : Akıncı T, Akıncı Özyürek B. Neurosarcoidosis. J Med Palliat Care. 2024;5(5):288-293.