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Comparison of clinical and functional outcomes of patients who underwent plate osteosynthesis and intramedullary nailing for forearm fractures
Aims: The aim of this study was to compare the functional and radiographic results of patients with forearm diaphyseal fractures after intramedullary nailing (IMN) and plate and screw osteosynthesis.
Methods: A total of 58 patients, including 31 patients operated on with the plate osteosynthesis method and 27 patients operated on with the IMN method for forearm diaphyseal fractures between 2017 and 2022, were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age was 35.9±14.5 years in the plate group and 33±13.1 years in the IMN group. The mean follow-up period was 157±83 days in the IMN group and 220±97 days in the plate group. Evaluation criteria for functional outcomes were forearm pronation; supination range of motion; the Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand (DASH) score; and the Grace-Eversmann score.
Results: The mean union time was 66.7 days in the plate group and 54.4 days in the IMN group (p=0.039). The mean length of hospitalization was 3.9±3.44 days in the plate group and 2.93±1.49 days in the IMN group. The mean supination range was 72.5±9.9 degrees in the plate group and 72.2±11.8 degrees in the IMN group. The mean pronation range was 81.2±11.7 degrees in the plate group and 80.3±15.5 degrees in the IMN group. The mean follow-up period was 157±83 days in the IMN group and 220±97 days in the plate group (p=0.011). According to the Association for Osteosynthesis/Orthopedic Trauma Association (AO/OTA) classification, 30 cases were classified as type A, 21 cases as type B, and 7 cases as type C. According to the Grace-Eversmann classification, 2 cases in the plate group were classified as unacceptable, 2 were classified as acceptable, 10 were classified as good, and 16 were classified as excellent, while 2 cases in the IMN group were classified as unacceptable, 4 were classified as acceptable, 5 were classified as good, and 16 were classified as excellent. The mean DASH score was 14.74±10.49 in the plate group and 15.11±12.7 in the IMN group.
Conclusion: With the advantages of minimal incision, less soft tissue damage, and no evacuation of the fracture hematoma, the union time and follow-up periods were found to be shorter in the IMN group. Thanks to the bearing force of intracanal intramedullary nails, patients were able to move earlier and satisfactory functional outcomes were obtained.

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Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 65-71