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Original Article
The assessment of serum uric acid-to-HDL cholesterol ratio as a new predictor of mortality in ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a cross-sectional study
Aims: The objective of this study was to evaluate the predictive efficacy of the Uric Acid-to-High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Ratio (UHR) as a novel inflammatory and metabolic marker for mortality in patients with ST-segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI).
Methods: This retrospective, single-center, cross-sectional, observational study enrolled 1361 patients diagnosed with STEMI undergoing primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI) from March 2021, to January 2022. The participants were categorized into two groups: those experiencing in-hospital mortality (n=100) and those without in-hospital mortality (n=1265).
Results: In-hospital mortality occurred in 100 patients (7.3%). UHR was notably higher in the mortality group compared to the non-mortality group (23.6±14.9% vs. 15.3±6.9%, p<0.001). Logistic regression analysis identified several independent determinants of in-hospital mortality among STEMI patients, including age (odds ratio [OR]=1.050, p<0.001), the presence of DM (OR=2.077, p=0.016), serum glucose (OR=1.004, p=0.002), hemoglobin (OR=0.855, p=0.020), White blood cell count (OR=1.064, p=0.025), UHR (OR=1.683, p<0.001), and SYNTAX score (OR=1.099, p<0.001). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis revealed that UHR>13.9% determined in-hospital mortality in STEMI patients who underwent PPCI with 81.1% sensitivity and 49.2% specificity (AUC=0.668, p=0.001)
Conclusion: The UHR exhibited a significant and independent positive correlation with in-hospital mortality among STEMI patients undergoing PPCI.

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Volume 5, Issue 1, 2024
Page : 57-64