Journal of Medicine and Palliative Care (JOMPAC) is an open access scientific journal with independent, unbiased, and double-blind review under international guidelines. The purpose of JOMPAC is to contribute to the literature by publishing articles on health sciences and medicine.

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Approach and intervention in blood pressure abnormalities
Hypertension is when blood pressure (BP) is measured above the limits of what is considered normal. Almost all guidelines define hypertension as a systolic blood pressure (SBP) above 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure (DBP) above 90 mmHg. Blood pressure should not be seen only as a numerical value that should be monitored and lowered when it rises. Blood pressure is an important vital sign that can provide important clues to the clinician about the patient's current condition. Long-term control of hypertension in individuals significantly reduces cardiovascular risk. In the case of hypertensive emergencies or urgent situations, antihypertensive treatment should be initiated after consideration of the approach to the recommendations. Recent observational studies suggest that pharmacologic treatment of acute and asymptomatic in-hospital BP elevations may not be beneficial and may even increase the risk of in-hospital and post-discharge complications. The patient's current clinical status and additional comorbidities should be evaluated, and attention should be paid to contraindications and drug dosage adjustments.

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Volume 4, Issue 6, 2023
Page : 710-714