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Original Article
Comparison of sevoflurane insufflation and intravenous ketamine use in terms of failure rate in consecutive paediatric radiotherapy sessions: a cross-over study
Aims: Childhood cancers are often treated with radiotherapy. During radiation therapy, sedation is often required for immobilization, especially for young children and patients with mental disabilities. Our study aimed to compare the efficacy of sevoflurane insufflation and intravenous ketamine for sedation during pediatric radiotherapy.
Methods: This prospective, randomized, cross-over study was conducted between August and December 2020 on pediatric patients (1 month to 18 years) requiring sedation or general anesthesia for radiotherapy. Three hundred fifty-two repeated sessions were conducted in the study involving 18 participating patients. Two groups were categorized by session: ketamine (Group K) or sevoflurane (Group S).
Results: The study included the evaluation of 352 sessions for 18 patients. Although there was no significant difference in procedure times between Group S and Group K during the sessions (p>0.05), Group K showed a significantly longer discharge time, higher failure rate, and higher score sedation scale in comparison to Group S (p<0.001).
Conclusion: During radiotherapy sessions conducted outside of the operating room for children, the use of sevoflurane sedation was found to have a lower failure rate compared to intravenous sedation.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 591-595