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Analysis of occupational accident reports of hospital employees applying to the emergency department
Aims: The purpose of this study is to analyze the occupational accidents experienced by all employees working in a university hospital in Turkey. In addition to demographic data, we aimed to analyze according to their titles, professions, type of accident, location of the accident in the hospital, accident day, and time periods.
Methods: In this descriptive research, ‘Occupational Accident Forms’ of work accidents that occurred within the hospital between 15 August 2022 and 15 August 2023 were analyzed retrospectively. Applications from all hospital staff (both healthcare workers and non-healthcare workers) were included. Categorical variables in the study were shown as frequency (n) and percentage values (%).
Results: The number of work accidents is equal to the number of hospital employees exposed to an occupational accident. According to gender in the study; 51.8% (n=59) were female and 48.2% (n=55) were male. The frequency of singles according to marital status was 57%,(n=65). According to their occupations, nurses came first with 25.4% (n=29), cleaning staff came second with 23.7% (n=27), and doctors came third with 17.5.4% (n=20). The most common days spent on occupational accidents are Friday with 22.8% (n=26). The most common hours were between 08:00 and 16:00 with 64.9% (n=74). According to the units where employees work, Internal medicines first with 32.5% (n=37). The types of injuries; needle and sharp injuries were in the first place with 59.6% (n=68). The most frequently injured part of the body is the upper extremity with 74.6% (n=85) No fatal accident was detected in this retrospective study.
Conclusion: In conclusion, nurses and cleaning staff were most frequently exposed to work accidents, and they were most frequently detected in areas affiliated with internal medicine units. Work accidents occur most frequently on Fridays and in the period between 8.00-16.00, and they were most frequently seen during patient treatment. Occupational health and safety training for its employees is mandatory in every institution. It can be aimed to protect hospital employees from occupational accidents by determining each unit’s own risks, accident causes and precautions according to time periods, and providing more specific training.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 566-571