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Original Article
Efficacy of vitamins B9, C, and E on fat graft viability
Aims: This study aims to investigate the potential of folic acid (vitamin B9), ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and ?-tocopherol (vitamin E) in enhancing the survival of fat grafts.
Methods: We divided the dorsal regions of ten Sprague-Dawley rats into four quadrants, serving as recipient sites for inguinal fat grafts. Fat grafts were placed in these sites after incubation, with different sites receiving 0.9% NaCl (left cranial), vitamin B9 (right cranial), vitamin C (left caudal), and vitamin E (right caudal). After three months, we harvested the fat grafts and evaluated their viability using perilipin immunohistochemistry.
Results: Folic acid, vitamin C, and vitamin E all significantly improved fat graft survival rates when compared with control (p<0.001 for each).
Conclusion: Folic acid (vitamin B9) promotes angiogenesis and collagen synthesis, vitamin C’s antioxidant properties support collagen synthesis, and vitamin E’s potent antioxidant capacity protects grafted adipose tissue from oxidative stress and inflammation, facilitating graft vascularization and integration. These findings suggest that these readily available and cost-effective vitamins, B9, C, and E, enhance fat graft survival immunohistochemically. The improved graft viability presented here could inspire further clinical studies and applications.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 561-565