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Prenatal diagnosis and clinical outcomes of isolated interruption of the inferior vena cava: an analysis of 12 cases
Aims: This study aimed to thoroughly examine the clinical presentations and outcomes associated with prenatally detected isolated interrupted inferior vena cava (IIVC) with azygos continuation. The intention was to provide further insight into the importance of prenatal diagnosis for this particular condition.
Methods: A longitudinal study was conducted on a cohort of 12 fetuses who had been diagnosed prenatally with inferior vena cava interruption and azygos vein continuation. Comprehensive fetal anomaly scans and echocardiography were performed, and pediatric cardiologists further validated postnatal diagnoses. In addition, genetic testing and comprehensive follow-up procedures were implemented.
Results: The research findings substantiated the considerable diagnostic precision of prenatal identification, as evidenced by the 100% confirmation rate in postnatal assessments. Most patients demonstrated positive outcomes, underscoring the significance of prenatal diagnosis. Genetic testing results indicated that all the studied cases exhibited normal chromosomal configurations.
Conclusion: This study contributes to understanding this rare vascular anomaly and its implications in clinical practice. Additionally, our findings emphasize the importance of regular prenatal screenings and the need for healthcare providers to be knowledgeable about isolated IIVC cases. By increasing awareness and understanding of this vascular anomaly, healthcare professionals can provide better care and support for affected patients and their families. Furthermore, future research should investigate the potential genetic factors contributing to the development of isolated IIVC, which could further enhance our understanding of this condition.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 530-534