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Original Article
The effect of maximum tumor diameter and 18F-FDG PET/CT imaging status on overall survival in Hodgkin lymphoma patients
Aims: This research aims to determine the impact of maximum tumor diameter and FDG PET CT status at the time of diagnosis on survival outcomes and to identify prognostic factors that influence treatment response and survival.
Methods: 239 patients with a diagnosis of Hodgkin lymphoma participated in the study. Clinical characteristics, treatment responses, and prognostic factors influencing survival were retrospectively analyzed from patient medical records.
Results: There were 136 (56.9%) male patients and 103 (43.1%) female patients, who participated in the study. Of these patients, 202 (84.5%) survived, while 37 (15.5%) died during the study period. When surviving patients and non-survivor patients were compared, the deceased patients had a higher mean age (p=0.003), a higher prevalence of spleen involvement and B symptoms (p=0.011 and p=0.001, respectively), lower albumin levels (p=0.008), higher beta-2 microglobulin levels (p=0.001), and more bone marrow involvement (p=0.006). A fourfold increase in mortality was seen in patients with beta-2 microglobulin levels >2920 mg/L, and a 3.188-fold increase in mortality was seen in patients with spleen involvement.
Conclusion: In conclusion, beta-2 microglobulin >2920 mg/L, the presence of spleen involvement, the presence of relapse, and the presence of progressive or refractory disease in FDG PET CT were significant prognostic factors for 1st, 3rd, and 5th-year survival rates in patients with Hodgkin lymphoma. In addition, there was no correlation between survival rate and maximum tumor diameter as measured by FDG-PET or CT.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 485-491