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Original Article
Evaluation of serum neopterin levels in patients with Graves disease
Aims: Graves’ disease is a disease with an autoimmune basis in which the synthesis and release of thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland increases. Interferon-gamma (IFN-?) released from activated T lymphocytes causes macrophages to produce neopterin (NPT), increasing its concentration in serum and other body fluids. There is a relationship between NPT and the production of free oxygen radicals by these cells. In this study, it was aimed to measure serum NPT levels in individuals with Graves’ disease.
Methods: The study included 13 newly diagnosed Graves’ patients (neopterin levels were measured at the time of first diagnosis and at the 3rd month of treatment) and 16 Graves’ patients who were followed up in endocrinology outpatient clinics for at least one year. NPT levels of 23 healthy individuals without any disease were taken as the control group. Free triiodothyronine (T3), free thyroxine (T4), thyroglobulin, and thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) levels were measured in the blood samples of the participants.
Results: Serum NPT levels were found to be higher in Graves’ patients compared to the control group (6.66 nmol/L in newly diagnosed patients, 9.24 nmol/L in patients at the 3rd month of treatment, 10.68 nmol/L in patients followed for one year or more, 1.44 nmol/L in the control group, respectively, p <0.05).
Conclusion: Monitoring NPT levels in serum and other body fluids can be used to evaluate the diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment efficacy of autoimmune diseases. In addition, NPT can be suggested as a potential biomarker to determine disease stage, treatment efficacy, and immunological remission status, as well as the diagnosis of Graves’ disease.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 418-422