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Serum prealbumin levels and their association with serum albumin, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus concentrations
Aims: Prealbumin is a specific and sensitive marker of nutritional conditions. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between serum prealbumin concentrations and serum albumin, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium levels.
Methods: A total of 200 patients, 100 male and 100 female, aged 18-65 years, who applied to the Ankara Etlik City Hospital Internal Medicine Polyclinic between January 2023 and June 2023, were included in our study. The patients’ prealbumin, albumin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, creatinine, low-density lipoprotein (LDL), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and complete blood count parameters (hemoglobin, white blood cell (WBC), platelet (PLT)) results were evaluated.
Results: The median prealbumin of female subjects was 0.50 g/L (0.1-1.0), while the median prealbumin of male subjects was 0.40 g/L (0.1-1.0). There was no statistically significant difference between the groups (p>0.05). There is a direct positive between prealbumin concentration and calcium (r: 0.75; p<0.001), hemoglobin (r: 0.46; p<0.001), LDL (r: 0.50; p<0.001) and HDL (r: 0.63; p<0.001) concentrations and an negative correlation between magnesium (r: -0.16; p:0.02) and PLT (r: -0.31; p<0.001). Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the independent variables affecting prealbumin concentration. The independent variables included in the model were HDL, LDL, body mass index (BMI), creatinine, WBC, phosphorus, age, magnesium, albumin, PLT, hemoglobin, and calcium. The Nagelgerke R2 square value of the model was 0.73 and the p value of the model in ANOVA analysis was calculated as <0.001. A regression formula for prealbumin concentrations was found: Prealbumin concentration = -0.609 + (Age × -0.002) + (BMI × 0.001) + (Ca × 0.63) + (Mg × -0.020) + (P × -0.002) + (Creatinine × 0.034) + (Hb × 0.016) + (WBC × -0.004) + (HDL × 0.001) + (LDL × 0.004).
Conclusion: We think that the findings of our study will be useful in elucidating the relationship between serum prealbumin and albumin levels, which are important indicators of dietary protein intake, and serum mineral concentrations. Our study is an article that presents a regression formula for prealbumin. The diagnostic and prognostic importance of prealbumin can be further elucidated by recruiting special and larger patient groups.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 412-417