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Original Article
Development and progression of myopia in emmetropic children in Turkey
Aims: To investigate the development and progression of myopia in emmetrope school-aged children in Turkey.
Methods: This retrospective study included emmetrope children aged 6-18 who attended the ophthalmology clinic for regular eye and refractive examinations between 2010 and 2021. Individuals were examined at least twice for six months period. Myopia progression was calculated as the difference between the baseline and the last visit spherical equivalent refractive (SER) values. Individuals were further categorized to determine the age-specific myopia development and progression as 6-11, 12-16, and 17-18 age groups based on the school periods of the country. According to the change in SER values, individuals were classified into those who remain emmetrope and those who develop myopia.
Results: A total of 738 eyes of 369 children (222 female, 147 male) with a mean age of 9.4±2.98 (6-18) years were included in the study. The mean follow-up time of patients was 45.62±26.36 (6-130) months. The baseline mean SER value was -0.01±0.10 D (range: -0.375 and +0.375) and -0.44±0.8 (range: -5.00 and +0.375) at the final visit. The overall mean progression was -0.12±0.25 D/year (range: -2.21 and +0.36). 234 eyes (31.75%) developed myopia, and annual SER change was -0.38±0.31 D/year (p<0.001). 79 (35.7%) of females and 38 (25.9%) of males developed myopia with a statistical significance (p<0.006). There were 163 children between 6-11 years, 169 children between 12-16 years, 37 children between 17-18 years, and 41 (25.2%), 69 (40.8%), and 7 (18.9%) patients of age groups developed myopia, respectively (p=0.15).
Conclusion: The development and progression of myopia is more common in 12-16 ages and females. Myopia prevention recommendations should be carefully advised to predisposed age populations and females to reduce myopia progression.

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Volume 4, Issue 5, 2023
Page : 380-384