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Original Article
Clinical outcomes of palliative 3-dimensional conformal external beam gastric radiotherapy: single center experience
Aims: Patients diagnosed with locally advanced and/or metastatic gastric cancer and who cannot undergo surgery may need palliative treatment during their follow-up. There is scarce data about outcomes of palliative gastric radiotherapy (RT). In this study, we aimed to investigate the effect of 3-D external beam RT on oncological outcomes, as a non-invasive method. Material and
Methods: From 2013 to 2017, sixteen gastric cancer patients treated with palliative external RT in our institutional clinic were evaluated. Only patients who received palliative gastric radiotherapy for obstruction, pain and bleeding were analyzed, and patients who had previously received RT to the abdomen or who were given RT for adjuvant purposes were not included in the analysis.
Results: Seven patients (43%) were not able to finish the planned palliative course. Thirty Gray with 10 fractions was the most planned RT schedule. Almost half of the patients (%56) received chemotherapy before RT. Overall survival was found to be median 2 months. Median survival was better in patients who were able to receive 28 Gy bioequivalent dose (4 vs 0.3 months, p?0.00). Purpose of palliation also found to be a significant factor on survival. Patients who were referred for pain have found to be better survival rather than bleeding and obstruction (13 vs 0.7 months, p=0.03).
Conclusion: External radiotherapy is an easily applicable and effective method for palliation in gastric cancer patients. Early referral for radiotherapy in patients who need alliation may increase oncological outcomes. It has been observed that the prognosis is worse in patients who received palliative radiotherapy due to gastric bleeding and obstruction.

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Volume 4, Issue 1, 2023
Page : 46-50